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CodingWorlds Community - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

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The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

I would like to welcome you guys to the new forum! Here the Rules that MUST be followed These community rules have been established in the general interest of members. They have been created with one goal in mind: to make every member feel comfortable with their values. This list of rules represents the site in general; however each forum may impose additional rules. It is on the onus of the members to read and abide by these rules, as well as read the stickies for any additional information. --- 1. Spam Spam is not permitted on the board. Posts which serve no purpose to a thread topic, one word/image/video/emoticon posts, or posts which otherwise don’t have any contribution are classed as spam. Similarly, threads with no real purpose or that only incite spam/flame replies are classed as spam. This rule is the same for VM’s, social groups and other content-based areas of the site. 2. Swearing Swearing and bad language is not permitted. Everything can be expressed without bad language, so do not use it. Pictures, videos and other posts avoiding the swearing filter will be punished. 3. Double/Consecutive Posting With the exception of legitimately bumping a topic, needing space for content or updating a Fan Fiction, double posting (and other variations) are not permitted. If you need to add something to a post, use the edit button. If you accidentally double-post due to a bad internet connection or something similar, you won’t be punished, but please delete your duplicate post(s). 4. Bumping Threads Threads can be bumped if they serve a valid discussion, but otherwise bumping threads is not permitted. Examples of threads not to be bumped include ‘Introduce Yourself’ threads a month or older, threads that discuss events that are now over (‘Idol Winner 2007’, ‘Superbowl 2008 Results’ etc.) and threads that have had their discussion finished/have been discussed exhaustively. If you want to discuss something important that has already been discussed, but the old thread is no longer relevant, please make a new thread in stead of Bummping. 5. Advertising Advertising links in posts/threads is not permitted on the forum. This includes schemes to acquire free electronics and other items through referrals. If you are unsure what constitutes advertising, ask a staff member prior to posting it. Please note that advertising is a subjective issue; in general anything that directly affects the site or its reputation is considered advertising, but anything outside the site’s influence generally is not. Please don’t post links to video channels, blogs and the like either. 6. Respect Moderator Decisions. Threads and posts questioning the actions or decisions of forum moderations will be deleted on sight, and the appropriate action taken (up to and including forum bans) against the thread starter and/or participants. However, as a member you reserve the right to PM any moderator, supervisor or administrator regarding action taken. 7. Alternate Accounts/Sock Puppetry and Ban dodging. Creating duplicate accounts is not permitted, except for extreme cases such as main account problems, in which case a staff member needs to be contacted immediately. Alternate accounts will be cleared and offenders dealt with harshly. If caught ban dodging the staff member that has banned you has all the right to increase the amount of time that you have been given in your ban. 8. Signatures/Avatars No pornography, offensive or illegal images or links are permitted in signatures or avatars. Also, if the staff feel that signatures are possibly slowing internet connections with large/multiple images, they will be removed. 9. Warez/Illegal Media Posts that violate or incite others to violate the law are not allowed. This includes (but is not limited to) requesting, providing, or instructing how to find, create, or use illegal copies of copyrighted software and related applications (including ROMs and ISOs). Be respectful of copyright law in your posts. Reproducing substantive portions of copyrighted material without permission from the copyright owner is prohibited. 10Pornography Pornography, and any other sexual content, will be locked/deleted immediately and offenders dealt with harshly. This is a friendly community and many users are young, so this is not permitted to any degree. 11. ‘Level Up’ Licences/Pokemon Signatures Posts and threads about 'licences', 'Pokemons signatures' and levelling up your or other people's licences or Pokemon signatures are not permitted. 12. Insulting Other Members/Flaming Fighting is not permitted. If you are flaming, arguing, insulting other members, purposely inciting arguments or just generally being rude, you will be dealt with harshly. --- The staff uphold these rules for the good of the community, and failure to abide by them will result in disciplinary action (infraction or ban) by the staff's judgement without prior warning or consent. These rules are subject to change, so please check back regularly for updates. If everyone follows these rules, it is for the benefit of the community, so please do so and enjoy your time on the boards!